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Home » Habbo Hotel » Welcome » First stay
First stay

Habbo furni

The Habbo furni is used to decorate rooms, create mazes, lost cities and even public toilets!

Consult our Catalog to see more!


1. Download Shockwave (it's free)
2. Enter the hotel
3. Create your Habbo and play!

Habbo Club

Join the Habbo Club, and discover its many advantages for only 25 Habbo Coins!

Habbo Coins

Coins allow you to decorate your room with furni, give gifts to your friends, join the Habbo Club to play Battle Ball and so on!

To begin

Before exploring the hotel, you have to 'enter' it. If this is the first time, you have to register and create a Habbo.

It only takes a few minutes. Follow the instructions below:

Installing Shockwave
Before entering the hotel, you must first install Shockwave. Click here to begin the safe download. The installation should take no more than ten minutes. If during this operation a warning message appears on the screen, simply click on 'Yes'.

First visit
Click on 'ENTER' and a new window will automatically open. Once the loading bar has reached 100%, you have access to an aerial view of the hotel.

Creating your Habbo
Now is the fun! Click on the top insert (the one where 'Are you new?' Is written) to open the recording window. You have to choose a name for your Habbo, decide if it's a girl or a boy and tell us what its mission is. Oh yes, don't forget to choose clothes for her! You can change it later, so make up your mind quickly!

Once you have given us your details, click on 'Next'. You will then be asked to confirm this information to us. Click on 'next' if that suits you or 'Previous' if you want to change something.

Congratulations, you are now a Habbo!

Warning: To register, you must give us your email address. We undertake not to communicate them to any third party