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Home » Habbo Hotel » Welcome » Help & Safety
Help & Safety

Calls for help

If something is bothering you or you've seen someone break the Habbo Way - you can make a 'cry for help', by clicking on the little one blue question mark, located on the right of your screen.

A Moderator will answer you or come to see you.

The call for help service is only to be contacted. in case of emergency !

Habbo X

Habbos X (X for eXperts) are volunteer but experienced Habbos trained to answer all your questions.
You will find them most of the time at Reception. They are easily recognized by the X badge they display next to their portrait.

If they have this badge, you can trust them.


We do our utmost to ensure that Habbo Hotel remains a safe and pleasant place to explore, the fact remains that some Habbos may try to rip you off.

Be vigilant, they will try to rip you off. steal your account, your password, your furni, Habbo Coins ... etc