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Take care of your pet
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  • Take care of your pet

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Taking care of your pet

Habbo and animals small How to take care of your pet ?

You need to take good care of your pet to keep it happy and healthy. The 'pet accessories' pages of the Catalog are made for that. They offer a wide choice of foods, toys and treats for your new friend.

Sometimes an pet is hungry several times a day. Its food can therefore be purchased in individual portions (one portion) or economical (6 portions). It will always take a little while for your pet to finish their meals.
If they are healthy, they will not need more than one serving per day. To feed him, nothing could be simpler: you just have to place his food next to him. Treats like the chocolate mouse or the marzipan snowman have the dual benefits of feeding and entertaining your four-legged friend.

Your pet will also be thirsty. Buy him a bowl and he will have plenty of water. Double-click on the bowl to fill it as soon as it is needed.

To have fun with your pet, buy him a toy such as a plastic ball. Place it next to him so he can play with it.
Remember - To see how your pet is doing, just double-click on it.

Understand your pet's behavior

You can interact with your pet by talking to him via the text bubbles. Here's how he expresses his moods and needs. - If he wags his tail when you get home, he's glad to see you again.
If he's hungry or thirsty, he'll look for his bowl. When he finds it he will eat and drink until he is satisfied. In case you haven't bought him some food, he will beg you to feed him and try to get your attention by all means ...

Your pet needs a little rest every now and then. Running endlessly is tiring ... Every time he has a pump, he will look for his basket. If the basket is inaccessible, it will easily find another place to take a nap. A young pet takes about a nap every half hour, but as it gets older it needs more and more sleep.
Accessories (food, balls, etc.) are not the only means of possible interaction with your pet. You can also address him directly and he will obey you.
You can do this by 'Shout', always including your pet's name in your sentences. For example, 'Lay down, Médor'. That way your pet will obey you with your finger and your eye. That said, the youngest can give it a hard time ... Here is what to tell them to make you obey:

sitting: to make the pet sit down
lying down: to make it lie down
jump: to make it jump
speaks: to make it bark / meow, etc
nice: to reward it

These orders will only be followed if it is the owner of the pet who gives them:

follow me: so that your pet follows you in the track
at the foot: so that it comes to you
ask: so that your pet is beautiful
clear: so that your pet leaves you alone
Naughty: to scold your pet

Each pet reacts to its name.