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Habbo Coins

Habbo Coins allow you to decorate your room with furni, offer gifts to your friends, join the Habbo Club play Battle Ball and more!

Habbo furni

The Habbo furni is used to decorate rooms, create mazes, lost cities and even public toilets!

Consult our Catalog to see more!

Habbo Club

Join the Habbo Club, and discover its many advantages for only 25 Habbo Coins!


dog bones

Each household has its own pet! and Habbo Hotel is no exception :) That's good, for only 20 Habbo Coins you can buy one ... A dog or a cat! Regardless, it will be yours and that's what matters right?

Warning: You cannot rename your pet and you can only deposit it in YOUR own rooms. You can have more than one pet, but only two can live in the same room. pets cannot be traded.

The life of a domestic pet

Your pet's life begins the day you buy it. For your pet, a day corresponds to a year. The older he gets, the more sleep he will get.
But it’s only after 100-125 days that he will really take extended naps. Before that, his activity level will vary depending on his age. Thus, a young puppy will always be more playful and rowdy than an old mutt.

Your pet will not move if you put it back in your hand or if your room is empty. When an pet is in the company of Habbo (s), it is restless, it is hungry, it is thirsty and demands attention.

If left unchecked, he will get sad and get bored (see 'How to take care of your pet' - below). You can tell your favorite pet's mood by looking at their postures, expressions, or the way they hold themselves. Alternatively, you can also double-click on him: his current mood will appear on the screen.

Your pet's profile

The profile of a pet is determined by its appearance, its breed and its behavior.
By clicking on an pet, you will better see what it looks like and you will know its name and breed.
Duplicate- clicking on an pet, you will learn more about its behavior, thanks to the following information:

Age: One day = one year for an pet
Appetite: Whether the pet is hungry or not
Thirst: Whether the pet is thirsty or not
Mood: The pet's mood
Nature: Its way of being in general.

Adopt a pet

All pets are available in the 'pets' section of the Catalog. To get one, it's easy! Choose one, give it a name and click on 'buy'.

Warning: once you give your pet a name you cannot change it.
Each time you consult the Catalog, you will discover a new selection of pets. You just have to refresh the page to discover new ones! - Or go to page 2 and go back ...
Page 2 gives you the info every pet owner needs to take care of their new friends.

Once you buy it, the pet will appear in its basket in the palm of your hand. It will not come out until you place the basket in your room.
Please note: you are only allowed to keep an pet in your own room. You can have several pets but an room cannot contain more than two at the same time. You cannot sell or trade your pet.