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Home » Habbo Hotel » Furniture » Trading

Habbo Exchange

Take a look at the Habbo Exchange section of the catalog to convert your Habbo Coins into currency. This way you will be able to buy the furnis of other Habbos or recover your Habbo Coins via the barter system!

Ah yes! If you are dry, you can recover your Habbo Coins at any time by double-clicking on your Habbos Exchanges in your room!

Rel12 money-1credit Rel12 moneybag small Rel12 money-50credits

Normal and rare furni

hc chair 2 As their name suggests, collectors are very rare. The more they are, the more valuable they are! Open your eyes;)


You would like to completely redecorate your room but you no longer have Habbo Coins to buy new furni? Never mind: you can swap the one you have!

For that, you just have to go to the Troc floor, enter an room and click on the Habbo with which you want to exchange something. Once it's done, all you have to do is press the "swap" button just below his portrait (bottom right of the screen). A barter window will appear to place the item to be exchanged. When the other habbo has done the same and you have agreed, all you have to do is check the "accept" box :)

Ah yes! Don't forget that from now on you can also trade furni against Habbo Exchange!

A few tips

You cannot trade Habbos accounts, HC months or pets. No one can duplicate your furnis. Or your Habbo Coins ;) Always use the trading tool. only accept the exchange when you are sure you are not being ripped off.
Check teleporters before any trade. Request a demo;)