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Furni types

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The catalog

In the Catalog, there is really something for all tastes and all sizes! Here's an overview of what you'll find there ...

A sober and soothing range, Zen and refreshing. In addition, the Pura refrigerator offers delicious carrots!

thumb pura

Steel: stylish and trendy: ideal for trendy clubs ...

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All in wood, country atmosphere, High mountain chalet. Perfect after a long day of skiing!

thumb lodge

Pop and 70's furni in color and curves!

thumb plasto

Stylish and functional. For Habbos who don't have time to waste. Ideal for offices and meeting rooms.

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Stackable blocks of ice to build your Igloo or to refresh your ideas!

thumb iced

A variation of Mode furni to see life in pink ...

thumb candy

Bath room
Imperative to get rid of all the little bad smells.

thumb bathroom

To take refuge in your secret garden!

thumb plants